SEO Cycles and the Two Most Important Signals 

SEO is always evolving and always moving. To grow your business with SEO you need to understand these cycles of change and the steps required to work succeed within them. 

Among these cycles, content and links are the most important SEO factors. There are over 200 ranking signals that decide what terms and rank your site achieves in Google search results, but in the end, everything revolves around content and links.

Understanding great content and understanding great links is just part of the picture, understanding
 all the steps you need to take to achieve these goals will drive your site to the top of search results.

4 Steps to Grow with SEO

Step 1: Optimize your site elements based on keywords. This includes all the pieces mentioned in Getting Started along with writing great content

Step 2: Work on external SEO signals to build up your site's standing and drive traffic from outside sources. This includes Link BuildingLocal Search and Social Media

Step 3Track performance and optimize your website based on changes to search rankings and visitor behavior.

Step 4: Research new keyword opportunities and apply them back to steps #1-3
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